On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Rue de l'Académie: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Rue de l'Académie Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Parking - 17m - - private access Rue de l'Académie, 441 Parking - 388m - Rue Saint-Louis, 15 Parking - 378m - - private access Boulevard Saint-Joseph, 2185 Parking - 294m - Rue Saint-Jean Parking - 359m - - private access Rue Lindsay, 523-527 Parking - 255m - Rue des Écoles, 510 Parking - 140m - - private access Rue des Écoles Parking - 303m - - no fee Rue des Forges Parking - 255m - - no fee Rue des Forges, 510 Parking - 98m - - private access Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 69m - Rue de l'Académie Parking - 320m - - private access Rue des Écoles Parking - 391m - - private access Rue Lindsay Parking - 357m - - no fee Rue des Forges Parking - 87m - - private access Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 163m - - private access Rue Berol, 470 Parking - 41m - - private access Rue Saint-Édouard, 251 Parking - 372m - Rue Brock, 401 Parking - 330m - Rue des Forges Parking - 276m - - no fee Rue Saint-Jean Parking - 242m - Rue Berol Parking - 356m - - no fee Rue Saint-Jean, 350 Parking - 316m - Rue Saint-Jean Parking - 318m - - no fee Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 282m - - private access Rue Saint-Jean Parking - 351m - - private access Rue des Corsetières Parking - 261m - - private access Rue Berol Parking - 216m - - private access Rue Saint-Jean, 250 Parking - 301m - - private access Rue des Corsetières Parking - 353m - - private access Rue des Corsetières Parking - 383m - - private access Rue des Corsetières, 522 Parking - 254m - Rue Saint-Jean Parking - 265m - - no fee Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 163m - - private access Rue Berol, 479 Parking - 376m - - private access Rue des Écoles Parking - 258m - - private access Rue Saint-Jean Parking - 144m - - private access Rue Saint-Jean Parking - 148m - - private access Rue Berol, 470 Parking - 217m - - private access Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 217m - - private access Rue Berol, 469 Parking - 149m - - private access Rue Saint-Jean Parking - 77m - - private access Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 362m - - no fee Parking - 252m - Rue Berol Parking - 242m - - private access Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 356m - - no fee Rue Garceau, 491 Parking - 219m - Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 351m - Rue Lindsay Parking - 353m - - no fee Rue des Forges, 500 Parking - 296m - Parking - 107m - Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 154m - Parking - 169m - Parking - 178m - Parking - 233m - - private access Rue des Écoles, 490 Parking - 207m - - no fee Rue des Écoles Parking - 328m - - private access Rue des Forges Parking - 108m - Des Écoles, 457 Parking - 189m - - private access Rue des Écoles Parking - 231m - - private access Rue Lindsay, 451 Parking - 253m - - private access Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 223m - - private access Rue des Écoles Parking - 219m - - private access Rue Lindsay Parking - 196m - - private access Rue des Écoles Parking - 169m - - private access Rue des Écoles Parking - 238m - - private access Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 258m - - no fee Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 290m - Rue Lindsay, 487 Parking - 323mP11 Rue des Écoles Parking - 348m - Rue Brock Parking - 353m - - private access Rue Brock Parking - 310m - - private access Rue Lindsay Parking - 339mP12 Rue Lindsay Parking - 275m - Rue Lindsay Parking - 327m - - private access Rue Lindsay Parking - 383m - Rue Brock Parking - 366m - - private access Rue Lindsay Parking - 377m - - private access Rue Lindsay Parking - 363m - Rue Lindsay Parking - 328m - - private access Rue Saint-Jean Parking - 348m - - private access Rue Lindsay Parking - 389m - - private access Rue des Écoles Parking - 364m - - private access Rue des Écoles Parking - 156m - - private access Rue Berol Parking - 319m - Rue Saint-Jean Parking - 259m - Rue des Écoles Parking - 192m - - private access Rue Girard, 165 Parking - 171m - - private access Rue Girard, 162 Parking - 387m - - private access Rue Saint-Édouard Parking - 296m - Rue des Écoles Parking - 235m - - private access Rue Lindsay motorcycle parking - 519m - Car Repair - 475mMinute Muffler Rue Marcotte, 409 Gas station - 433mUltramar Rue Heriot, 405Shopping Mall - 396mCarrefour Saint-Jean Rue Saint-Jean, 350 Drummondville antiques shop - 263mAntique Drummond Rue Lindsay, 441 Hairdresser - 222mTaoh Coiffure Rue Saint-Jean, 250 Hairdresser - 264mGilles Cardin Coiffure Rue Lindsay, 451 Hairdresser - 278mBo Extensions Rue Lindsay Hairdresser - 312mAfro-Cubain Rue des Forges, 140 Bakery - 220mUniquement sans Gluten - Boulangerie artisanale Rue Saint-Jean, 250 Supermarket - 319mIGA Extra - Marché Clément des Forges Boulevard Saint-Joseph, 1910 Drummondville Alcohol - 331mSAQ Rue des Forges, 500 J2B 0E4 Phone: +1-819-478-4214 Opening hours: Mo-We 10:00-20:00; Th-Fr 10:00-21:00; Sa 09:30-20:00; Su 12:00-20:00 variety store - 271mSuper marché Tropical Africa Rue Lindsay, 451 variety store - 312mDollarama Boulevard Saint-Joseph, 1940 J2B 1R2 Phone: +1-819-475-1397 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-21:00; Sa-Su 09:00-17:00 Convenience shop - 359mServi Express Dépanneur Lindsay Rue Saint-Édouard, 125 Convenience shop - 381mDépanneur 7 jours Rue des Forges, 115 shop-vacant - 283m - Rue Lindsay shop-vacant - 295m - Rue Berol shop-vacant - 293m - Rue Lindsay, 471 shop-vacant - 287m - Rue Lindsay, 436 massage shop - 176mJulie Morin Massothérapeute - Monalie Raiche Orthothérapeute - Monia Camirand Réflexothérapeute Rue Saint-Jean Clothes shop - 269mBoutique Marie-Soleil Rue Lindsay Clothes shop - 378mFriperie familiale Rue des Forges, 115 Clothes shop - 369mLa fripe aux aubaines Rue Brock Clothes shop - 335mLe Grenier Rue des Forges, 140 Clothes shop - 279mForever Mlle Rue Saint-Édouard, 145 tickets - 575mRéseau Ovation Rue Demers, 2260 Drummondville Florist - 458mTes Fleurs Rue Saint-Jean Shoes - 351mSavard Ortho Confort - Médicus Rue Saint-Louis pet shop - 617mAnimalerie Aquarium Drummond Rue Lindsay, 291 Furniture - 540mSetlakwe Rue Lindsay, 302 beauty shop - 464mPassion Beauté Rue Saint-Jean Bookstore - 350mLa Magie du vieux sage Rue Lindsay, 476 tattoo - 325mLa Reine de Pique Rue Lindsay Gifts shop - 289mL'atelier québécois Rue Lindsay, 455,457 Opening hours: Tu,We,Fr,Sa 10:00-16:00; Th 10:00-19:00 Gifts shop - 290mLes merveilles d'Ali Baba Rue Lindsay Jewelry - 500mBijouterie Brenda Rue Heriot, 417 Confectionery - 356mMiss Jujube Rue Lindsay, 476Other government offices - 39m - Rue Saint-Édouard, 211 government offices - 94m - Rue de l'Académie government offices - 47mService aux entreprises - Commission scolaire des chênes Rue Saint-Édouard, 211 Drummondville government offices - 73mCommission scolaire Des Chênes Des Écoles, 457 Drummondville government offices - 297mMRC de Drummond Rue Lindsay, 436 sport-shuffleboard - 113m - - private access Rue Saint-Édouard Shelter - 273m - Rue Saint-Édouard sport-ice_hockey - 670mPatinoire Victor-Pépin - Ville de Drummondville Rue Lindsay, 269 Drummondville sport-yoga - 320mStudio Inspiration - Yoga et cie Rue Berol office-insurance - 290mLa Capitale Rue Saint-Jean office-company - 343mPostes Canada Drummondville Rue Lindsay, 507 J2B 0A0 Drummondville loading_dock - 261m - Rue des Écoles, 484 office-association - 364mRegroupement interculturel Drummond Rue Saint-Jean, 148 shop-locksmith - 265mSerruPro Rue Saint-Jean, 162 shop-locksmith - 399mCordonnerie Idéale Rue Saint-Louis, 17 office-estate_agent - 233mGroupe Prélec - Bureau de location Rue Saint-Jean, 180 Drummondville office-estate_agent - 381mLocation Jean-Guy Ferland Rue des Forges, 115 office-estate_agent - 389mHabitations Jutras Rue des Forges, 143 office-estate_agent - 264mCévimec-BTF Rue Lindsay, 451 Marketplace - 536mMarché Public de Drummodnville Rue Saint-Jean shop-health_food - 327mRachelle-Béry shop-gas - 329mRapidGaz Social Facility - 541mEnseoleilvent Rue Brock shop-barbecue - 231mGroupe Labonté Rue Saint-Édouard shop-window_blind - 240mDraperies Marchand Rue Saint-Jean sport-ice_skating;ice_hockey - 540m - Rue Marcotte office-financial - 409mGroupe Investors Boulevard Saint-Joseph, 2215 office-consulting - 397mLarocque Cournoyer Boulevard Saint-Joseph, 2101 shop-fireplace - 388mFoyer Éthanol Drummond Boulevard Saint-Joseph, 2155 employment agency offices - 420mSynergie Hunt International Boulevard Saint-Joseph, 2085 office-it - 436mMicrotec Informatique Rue Saint-Jean office-accountant - 312mImpôt Drummond - Service de comptabilité RS Rue Lindsay, 479 Drummondville office-lawyer - 372mPaul Biron & Associé - Avocats Rue Saint-Jean, 350 office-lawyer - 395mViviana Magazzu Avocate Rue Lindsay, 510 sport-billard;pool - 533mSalon de billard Hériot Rue Heriot, 412 shop-fashion_accessories - 345mStudio d'arts corporels Rue Lindsay shop-pet_grooming - 341mToilettage Izanimo Rue Lindsay shop-games - 247mGamer's spot Rue Girard, 156 shop-games - 297mAmusements Jolin Rue Lindsay, 471 J2B1G9 Drummondville Charging Station - 639m - shop-military_surplus - 383mSurplus d'Armée - BX Airsoft Paintball Rue des Forges office-financial_advisor - 389m - Rue des Forges, 143 sport-pole_dance - 418mStudio vertical Rue Lindsay, 336 office-telecommunication - 309m - Rue Lindsay, 442 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Rue de l'Académie