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Transport services in Northwest Territories, Canada
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Aklavik Seaplane Base
- K & D Contracting
Aklavik/Freddie Carmichael Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Hansen Road
Arctic Red River Water Aerodrome
- Tsiigehtichic Charter Community
Bennett Field
Blow River Airport (abandoned)
Byron Bay Airport (abandoned)
Cambridge Bay Airport
- Government of Nunavut
Cambridge Bay Seaplane Base
- Hamlet of Cambridge Bay
Canol Outfitters
Cape Parry Airport
Clarence Lagoon Water Aerodrome (abandoned)
Clinton Point Airport (abandoned)
Colomac Airport
- Contaminated Sites Office
Colville Lake Seaplane Base
- Kapami Co-op Assn.
Colville Lake/Tommy Kochon Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Déline Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Deliné Seaplane Base
- Charter Community of Déline
Diavik Airport
- Diavik Diamond Mines
Edzo Airport
- Til Cho Construction
Ekati Airport
- Dominion Diamond Mines
Ford Bay Airport
- Trophy Lodge
Ford Bay Seaplane Base
- Trophy Lodge
Fort Good Hope Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Fort Liard Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Fort McPherson Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Fort Providence Airport
Fort Reliance Seaplane Base
- Lutselk"e Dene Council
Fort Resolution Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Fort Simpson Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Fort Simpson Island Airport
Fort Simpson Island Seaplane Base
- Wolverine Air/Simpson Air
Fort Smith Airport
Gahcho Kue Aerodrome
- De Beers Canada
Graham Lake (Yellow Dog Lodge) Seaplane Base
- Yellow Dog Lodge Inc.
Great Bear Lake Airport
- Plummers Great Bear Lake Lodge
Great Bear Lake Seaplane Base
- Plummers Great Bear Lake Lodge
Hay River Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Hay River Seaplane Base
- Carter Air Service
102nd Avenue
Hay River/Brabant Lodge Seaplane Base
- Brabant Lodge
Horton River Airport (abandoned)
Inuvik / Shell Lake Seaplane Base
Inuvik Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Jean Marie River Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Kasba Lake Airport
- Kasba Lake Lodge
Kasba Lake Seaplane Base
- Kasba Lake Lodge
Komakuk Beach Airport
Lac Rabbitkettle
Lady Franklin Point Airport
Lutsel K'e Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Lutselk'E Seaplane Base
- Łutselk"e Dene Council
Mould Bay Airport
- Environment Canada
Mount Flett Airport (abandoned)
Nahanni Butte Airport
Nahanni Butte Seaplane Base
- Nahanni Butte Settlement
Namushka Lodge Seaplane Base
Nicholson Peninsula Airport (abandoned)
Norman Wells Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Norman Wells Seaplane Base
- Northwright Air Ltd.
North of Sixty Airport
- North of Sixty Fishing Camps
Obre Lake/North of Sixty Seaplane Base
- North of Sixty Fishing Camps
Old Colville Lake Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Paulatuk (Nora Aliqatchialuk Ruben) Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Paulatuk Seaplane Base
Pearce Point Airport
Pointed Mountain Airport
Port Radium Airport
Prairie Creek Airport
- Canadian Zinc Corp
Rae Lakes Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Ross Point Airport (abandoned)
Sachs Harbour (David Nasogaluak Jr. Saaryuaq) Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Sambaa K'e Aerodrome
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Sambaa K'e Seaplane Base
- Sambaa K"e First Nation
Sawmill Bay Airport
Airstrip is closed. Current TC code: AG0667
Shingle Point Airfield
Shingle Point Water Aerodrome (abandoned)
Snap Lake Airport
- De Beers Canada
Snare River Airport
- Northwest Territories Power Corp.
Stewart Lake Airport (abandoned)
Stokes Point SRRS Airport
Taltheilei Narrows Airport
- Plummers Great Slave Lodge
Taltheilei Narrows Seaplane Base
- Plummers Great Slave Lodge
Taltson River Airport
- Northwest Territories Power Corporation
Terra Mining Airport (abandoned)
Thor Lake Aerodrome
- Avalon Rare Metals
Tuktoyaktuk (Imperial) Airport (abandoned)
Tuktoyaktuk/James Gruben Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Tulita Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Tundra Mine/Salmita Mine Aerodrome
- Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
Tundra-Salmita Winter Road
Tungsten (Cantung) Airport
- North American Tungsten Corp
Ulukhaktok Holman Airport
- Government of Northwest Territories
Virginia Falls Seaplane Base
- Nahanni National Park Reserve
Wekweètì Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Whatì Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Whatì Seaplane Base
Wrigley Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Yellowknife Airport
- Government of the Northwest Territories
Yellowknife Seaplane Base
- Air Tindi Ltd.
Fort Simpson (Great Slave No. 1) Heliport
- Dehcho Helicopters / Great Slave Helicopters
Phone: +1-867-695-2326
Fort Simpson (Great Slave No. 2) Heliport
- Great Slave Helicopters / Dehcho Helicopters
Phone: +1-867-695-2326
Fort Smith (District) Heliport
Fort Smith (District) Heliport
Fort Smith (District) Heliport
Frank Channel (Forestry) Heliport
Frank Channnel Tili
Gwich'n / Havgun Helicopters
Phone: +1-876-678-2270
Hay River (District) Heliport
Miron Drive
Sahtu Helicopters / Great Slave Helicopters
Phone: +1-867-587-2827
Yellowknife (Regional Hospital) Heliport [closed]
Range Lake Road
back bay
Dickins Street
Bretzlaff Drive, 3803
Shell Lake Road
Bicycle Parking
McDonald Drive
49th Street, 5015
Wiley Drive, 3509
Otto Drive
Magrum Crescent
Moyle Drive
Moyle Drive
Otto Drive
boat storage
44th Street, 4501
49A Avenue, 4106
Enterprise Drive
Ferry Terminal